NoBid Publisher Dashboard
Upon signing with NoBid you will have access to our Insights Dashboard as well as API access to meet your reporting needs.
The NoBid Insights Dashboard allows you to view your account as a represented whole or customize reporting by date, specified metric, and even scheduled reporting.
Below are sample screenshots taken from our Insights dashboard to allow you a sneak peek into what your dashboard will look like.
In the Main Publisher View (Dashboard) you will be able to see a visual snapshot of your account with NoBid. You can break data down by specific range, and view results by day, week, or month.
In the top right, if you turn Show Filters on you will be able to drill down by site and device. You can add as many sites/devices by selecting all desired parameters.
In the Publisher Edit View you will be able to access NoBid's latest ads.txt entry as well as schedule custom reports. You can schedule as many varying reports as you would like within this view. You can also add additional metrics to your API settings.
Within Sites you will have quick access to review all sites that have been approved and set up with NoBid. This will allow you to quickly pull and reference SiteIDs and input key information pertaining to each site.
Also located within your Sites view is access to pull various tags for integrations that may be applicable to your setup or for optimization. Integration instructions are located with each set of tags for easy access.
In Earning Report, you be able to customize and download CSV reports. You can add/remove metrics, select date ranges in intervals of daily, weekly, or monthly, and review at a publisher level or broken down and sorted by individual site.
*Please Note
NoBid has a commitment to meeting our Clients needs. Should you require additional reporting, please let us know and we will look at ways we can help ensure your needs are being met.
For month end finals, NoBid does not require Clients to send and invoice. NoBid will generate a month-end totals report that will be sent to you by the 5th of each month.