Evolving Technology

NoBid is a leading CTV/OTT SSP that specializes in connecting premium demand to premium supply, helping our partners with significant fill and revenue.  Our demand is sourced from numerous providers, as well as from our direct partnerships with brands and agencies.

As pioneers in OpenRTB, NoBid applies decades of knowledge and experience in digital revenue into our OTT/CTV strategy and offerings.

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NoBid's founding team has decades of experience in media publishing, digital advertising and activation.
Scale and Technology
NoBid manages hundreds of billions of ad requests each month and leverages our proprietary algorithmic methodologies to drive bid pressure and create the highest possible yield for our partners.
Our direct sales team is connected to some of the world's leading agencies and brands, and works in cooperation with them to deliver highly impactful ad experiences.

Reporting Dashboard

Upon signing with NoBid you will have access to our Insights Dashboard as well as API access to meet your reporting needs.

The NoBid Insights Dashboard allows you to view your account as a represented whole or customize reporting by date, specified metric, and even scheduled reporting.

Take a sneak peek at our Insights Dashboard here.

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